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Monday, 15 February 2010

Pancake Tuesday

At the moment, the British grocery stores are promoting all the ingredients for English pancakes*, so being a Level Four (read "Parents on the Move!" to find your level), I have to make it complicated.

We have invited our Dutch friend, Rosalinde, for one of our favourite (because we like to eat) English traditions, Pancake Tuesday; and will start with German pancakes (my mother in law's recipe-the German first course for this tradition is with bacon) and  finish with Dutch pancakes and French crepes. All cooked in an English kitchen (measurments, layout etc) and eaten by an American, an Englishman and our lovely Dutch friend. My kind of evening!

Pancake Tuesday is the night before Ash Wednesday, and it is the start of Lent. The last night for great carbs until Easter, at least for me. We fast for the day on Wednesday after the morning worship service in our local church. From Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday many Christians around the world sacrifice such things as chocolate or wine, or maybe some habit for a season. We sacrfice these things, in the hope that through giving up something we truely enjoy we will gain understanding of the  concept of sacrifice.

But Lent isn't just about giving up things. It's also a time to reflect on some issues in these challenging times. Let's remember that not everyone has the freedom to worship at a local church, or wear Ash Wednesday ashes on their foreheads which lets others know they have a commited faith. Let me encourage you to seriously consider joining me in Praying for The Persecuted Church in Lent. There is an excellent booklet that can help guide your prayers and it is produced by the Barnabas Fund. Find more information at

I pray you have a thoughtful and reflective Lent, as we prepare to remember the sacrifice Jesus made so that we may have life, and life to the full.
*not just English pancakes, but Scottish and a whole aray of microwavable!