Announcing the 2012 Families in Global Tranistion Conference in Washington,DC. Early Bird registration is now open, and you are invited to attend March 29-31.
Who is this conference for? It's for corporate, military, missionary, NGO (non-governmental)and diplomatic families.
Purpose? To meet others, like yourselves, with families living all over the world. This is for Human Resource professionals, trainers in cross cultural understanding, as well as simply for those of us living this life of international relocation (and re-entry). Actually, FIGT (Families in Global Tranistion) is very much like a family reunion! Getting together with people who speak your language, and understanding your concerns and joys of global living.
This is the friendliest conference you will ever attend; and though there is a strong basis of assisting research in the field of cross cultural family living, it is just as much about having a meal with someone who understands how hard it is to settle into a new country as it is to attend workshops that can up your skill level for global living. It's worth the flight! Check out Families in Global Transition conference details!