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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

New Migration

This morning I came across a "birdie"- that's the term I hear around here for "birdwatcher;" rather like "foodie" is for someone with epicurian intentions. When we are in Florida we live in what is called a Bird Sanctuary, and so I suppose it is to be expected that we might run across one or two people with bird labelled t-shirts and binoculars hanging around their neck. As my husband and I had seen a quite unusual bird skimming over our neighbourhood while we had breakfast on the lanai (Florida word for back porch with mosquito screen), I stopped this "birdie" and asked what was going on.
"Quite a few bird watchers out this morning. Something happening in the bird world?" I asked as he was actually the third birdie I had come across in my morning walk.
"Well, there seems to be a new migration pattern happening."
"What kind of birds?"
And he listed a plethora of names that had words like "tennessee" and "long-tailed," and then he lost me.
"It is unusual," he said, "we've had some migration fall out."
I listened to him and hoped it wasn't as serious as the nuclear kind, but he did look excited and not too concerned.
It seems it is that time of year again, when the birds move from one part of the world to the other; and not all birds move from the north to the sunnier south. Some fly north to find the food they need. Some terns fly from one artic to another, some soar above Everest for an incredible view. Still, bird watchers say there is something new happening with the normal migration patterns. A little like those of us who are regularly on the move.

These days more and more of us are just having to go where the jobs are. Are we excited? Curious? Not following the flock? Please take a moment to read the Releasing Prayer that you will find at the end of my book, "Parents on the Move!" published by Destiny Image Europe and available from Amazon (see side bar). Be released into the flight pattern the Father has just for you!

As the "snow birds" (northerners who come to Florida for the winter) start to arrive, our neighbourhood church always puts up sign. This year it says, "We welcome snowbirds of pray!" It's almost time for my husband and I to pack up and leave our house with our favourite snowbird renters; and for us to head back to the UK. If you are getting ready to make a move, we pray safe flights to all!

Please note: the actual migration patterns ARE NOT changing, but the weather patterns are affecting the flow of migration and quite a number of birds are making an unusual pitstop! Large numbers of reb breasted warblers in our area this morning- VERY rare indeed!