Sunny day, but cool and the granparents (that's us) decded to go on one our walks with Baby D. Grandad did the technology (ie unflurrled this generation's complicated stoller/pushchair/passeggino) and I secured the hat. Off we went to see the small Friday market (Saturday is the bigger market in a nearby town)...and who did we run into but Italian grandma- or "Nona" as they say in these parts!
It makes you feel very much at home to run into someone you know in the market. After hugs and kisses (both sides of the cheeks) we then went on our way past kitchen items, fruit and veg and beautful blouses and teenage t-shirts and jeans. I can say "hello" with a good enough accent to get myself in trouble...vendors then come out with a whole string of incomprehensible words! I must say Italian men know how to make an older woman feel apreciated! Nothing lewd or menacing, just friendly and welcoming. What a treat!
We are back home and have had a big family lunch wth birthday cake for Chris's daughter...they made it together last night and I took photos. We may just have to YouTube some of my husband's good cooking methods. Yesterday was quite a baking day...birthday cake, then hot cross buns, then bread which was consumed in minutes. Food is such a part of family life here, and it is lovely to have some time to make, bake and enjoy!
There is quite a challenge when writing about this though....the computer keyboard is in yet another layout (ie not American and not English layout)and though the layout of the google checkin page is thankfully the same I am still guessings at the translation! Google Italia was all decorated for the 150th Republic anniversary yesterday!